The Japanese horror film master Takashi Shimizu produced, Juno Mak Chun Lung directing debut RIGOR MORTIS (GEUNG SI) two days ago had its pirated trailer released on YouTube. The film company and the international distribution company suffered damage from this type of severe criminal behavior and already reported the copyright violation to YouTube. They have handed the matter over to the lawyer and reserved the right to take action.
The 1 minute 30 second film trailer was shown to buyers at the Hong Kong Film and Television Market in March and the Cannes Film Festival. The film company earlier already reached a promotional collaboration plan with a site for the RIGOR MORTIS trailer to premiere globally and exclusively there, then distributed to major U.S. film sites. Now the initial estimated damage reached US$100,000. Mak Chun Lung was shocked, heartbroken and sadden, as he hoped the hacker would not break the law again and do something that did not benefit anyone but harmed others.
Source: Mingpao
Translated by: hktopten