On Monday night, Kate Tsui had an accident while shooting for new series
My Prime Lady, where she injured her tailbone. Kate was on the floor paralyzed for 10 minutes and cried in pain. She was later accompanied to the emergency room with co-star Dayo Wong and the producer. After two days of rest, Kate returns to work. She was seen in flats and walked carefully into TVB.
Kate expressed her injury is getting better already, she said: "Thank you for your concern. My tailbone is swollen, the X-rays showed no fractures. (Returning to work so fast?) I got a few days doctor's note, but I think I'm fine. I don't want to interrupt the filming schedule and the next few days is only office scenes. I don't have to move that much. They all love me very much. (Are you still going to wear such high heels again?) No other choice, I'm not tall enough. Nobody wants an accident to happen. Even if I was wearing flats that day, I would have fell too. (Dayo Wong felt guilty for not cleaning the water earlier?) It's not his fault, I will talk to him. I'm touched to have my friends and colleagues' comfort."
Is Kate worried her injured tailbone may cause infertility? She said: "At the time I was frightened, felt very confused and only knew to cry. I didn't ask the doctor about that, it should be fine. The doctor is quite handsome actually. I hope there won't be repercussions." Kate added she will still take on the scenes herself and even suggested to the producer not to let her accidental fall "go to waste", it could be used in the series.
Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum