Last year Jazz Lam and director Tony Tang made a 7 figure investment in opening Lung Fung Cafe in Tai Hang. Earlier this year, they opened another one in Wan Chai. To contribute back to society, Jazz will personally prepare his signature food items - scrambled eggs, pineapple buns and milk tea -- every Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5pm to 6pm from April 25th until the end of the year (Dec 31st). Yesterday it was his first day of dispatch and his good friend Natalie Tong went to help him. He initially planned to start the service at 5:30pm, but an elder woman as already standing outside the door waiting at 5pm. Jazz invited her in and instructed the kitchen to cook up the signature dishes for her to enjoy.
He said: "I prepared 100 pineapple buns and milk teas, but perhaps we didn't do enough promotions, we just had a sign up on the door, so today there was only a handful of elders that came. I'm afraid people may misunderstand and think I'm trying to promote Lung Fung Cafe, but actually I just hope to contribute a little back to society." Some people questioned whether his selling of milk tea in the evening caused the elders to have trouble sleeping. However, there were other residents that left him with cash to show their support. Natalie expressed Jazz is like her big brother, so whenever she has time, she would go help him out.
Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @
AsianEU Forum