The Patrick Kong (Yip Lim Sum) directed, Wong Cho Nam and Michael Hui Koon Man starred new DELETE (DELETE OI YUN) yesterday held a production start press conference. Hui Koon Man said that he liked to watch Cho Nam act. "His comedic abilities are crazy high, but he isn't tall and handsome enough. (Sam) Hui Koon Kit used to 'shake' me with handsomeness. Now I am 'shaking' Cho Nam." Cho Nam hoped to learn from his elder. Earlier he and Hui Koon Man had a scene together and praised his acting ability as amazing. He could improvise at anytime and Wong Cho Nam worried about not being able to handle it.
In a wild costume Jacqueline Chong Si Man played Wong Cho Nam's younger sister who was quite fond of gambling and needed to use foul language. She said, "A little foul language, like greeting other people's parents. However I don't need to practice, I know it on my own but I rarely use it. In the film I have many intimate scenes but no bed scene. I don't need to be sexy either, at most I would wear are shorts."