Yesterday Oscar Leung, Sharon Chan, Samantha Ko, Alice Chan and Sammy Leung were on CRHK's radio interview to promote for their new series Friendly Fire. Oscar frankly expressed he has already received the demand letter from Kenny Wee's lawyer, demanding him for a public apology on the "defaming" comments he made about Kenny, otherwise he will be sued for defamation. Oscar came to the interview prepared with a 'locust theory' in response to the demand letter. He revealed on Christmas Eve, there was a locust that bumped into the glass of his window in his home and fainted on the balcony. He said:
"Do you all want to know how I spent Christmas Eve? I don't usually out because I stay home to do chores. So, I wiped down my windows and clean them so well, there isn't a speck of dust. Last night when I was watching TV, I suddenly heard a 'dong' sound on my window, so I walked over to see what it was. I saw a locust-like insect on the floor. It probably wanted to fly into my home, but I cleaned my windows so well, it thought there was no glass and could easily fly in. But, the locust hit itself so hard on the glass it fainted. I was thinking if I should rescue it or not, but thinking deeper, he can't be rescued." He added 'Batman' appeared on his balcony and ate the locust. After Oscar finished telling his story, Sharon and the other guests applauded.
When asked who the 'locust' was? Oscar did not directly respond to the question nor did he say any names. He stressed Hong Kong is a place with free speech, he said:
"All of the rumors that happen in HK, the people of HK have the right to comment and the comments made do not constitute defamation. I'm a HK citizen myself, I have my rights to make comments on HK news." Asked if he has contacted Eric Tsang? Oscar said:
"Nope, we are all enjoying the Christmas break. There is no reason to waste time on worthless news." Source: Oriental Daily
Translated by: aZnangel @
AsianEU Forum