In TVB series "The Hippocratic Crush", male newcomer Nathan Ngai, who played Kenneth Ma's younger brother, had much opportunity to shine. Although Nathan was disabled in the series, he is actually a good athlete. Previously a basketball team captain in high school and having won track-and-field competitions, he expressed that, if had not entered the entertainment industry, [he] believes that he would already be a firefighter: "People around me say that I am always playing around...very fitted to be an artiste, so gave up trying to be a firefighter. Thus, if the "Burning Flame" franchise is filming again, hope to be able to take part!"
When mentioning that he and Miss Chinese International Candy Chang had a pure romantic storyline in the series, Nathan highly praised her as being a silly girl who brings happiness to everyone, but laughingly said that he is rather traditional, as he prefers gentle, well-behaved girls.
Source: the-sun
Translated by: hyn5 @ 幸而城 Fortunate City