Karena Lam Ka Yun who became a mother again in May announced her comeback. Her first job was for Reenex collagen center. Ka Yun after her therapy felt that her skin was as young as three years ago before she was married. She was uncertain how much she made from the ad campaign, only that her manager Sandy Lam San San told her to work and leave her daughters with her. Although she said it was a comeback, Ka Yun said that now she would spend 70% of her time with her family. She was very pleased with two daughters and would not consider trying for a son.
Ka Yun revealed that aside from raising her daughters, she has also begun writing children books and later he will make short films. She said, "I am only in a part of the film and wouldn't spend too much time, because I really want to take care of my daughters." Will she work with her daughter? She said no, she felt that she would not be able to get into character. Lam San San joked that aside from Ka Yun's daughters, she could establish a child care center for her married artists' children so they could work. San San said, "I will ask Ekin Cheng to have children, (Shawn) Yue Man Lok and (Ivana) Wong Yuen Chi will be able to get married and have children without any worry."
Source: Mingpao