Directed by Jay Sun, 3D film – Switch officially announced that it will open in cinemas nationwide on 9 June 2013. The film gathered a strong cast of top actors from Hong Kong, Mainland China and Taiwan which includes Andy Lau, Tong Dawei, Zhang Jingchu and Lin Chiling, it also have a top notch Hollywood post production teams from Avatar and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
The film narrates Hong Kong Special Agent Xiao JinHan (Andy Lau) and wife Lin Yuyan (Zhang Jingchu) protecting national treasure painting Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains which attracted Japanese triad spy Lisa (Lin Chiling) searching for it, in the end triad boss Shan Ben (Tong Dawei) was got himself involved. Some fans whom had watched the trailer which showed off the action packed, visual effects and full of charisma of a Hollywood film made them anticipating the film!
It was officially announced that the film will be screened in nationwide cinemas on 9 June 2013, director Jay Sun expressed: "The film gathered heavenly king status and first class actors together with international top notch production teams, after the completion of shooting the film in 4 different countries and post production, believed it will be an elegant visual feast for the audience during the summer holidays."
The music video of the film's theme song was also revealed for the first time which is a collaborative effect of Taiwanese band Mayday's Ashin, Magic Power and Yen-j.
Translated by: AndyLauSounds