The Hong Kong actress, who is seven months pregnant with her second child, was seen shopping with her 2-year-old daughter Karena Lam was recently spotted shopping with a huge baby bump. The Hong Kong actress, who is seven months pregnant, also brought her two-year-old daughter, Kayla, along.
While shopping for some baby products and clothes, Karena took the initiative to approach the reporters and chat with them.
The actress told reporters, 'I'm here to buy some baby products and we are now waiting for my husband to pick us up.' She added that the estimated due date for her baby is in June.
Karena and her family then proceeded to a restaurant for dinner. Seeing reporters waiting in front of the restaurant as the family prepared to leave, Karena's husband told them politely, 'We just had dinner with our friends and we are heading home now.'
After marrying film director Steve Yuen in 2010, the couple welcomed their first child Kayla in October that same year. Karena has since gone on a temporary hiatus.
Despite previously announcing a comeback, the actress revealed a second pregnancy on her microblog in December 2012, saying that she would once again be staying out of the public eye to focus on having her baby.
Source: Xinmsn Entertainment