Him Law just got back from his Korea trip and attended an event supporting the upcoming Olympic games with Cilla Lok. Earlier, a reader disclosed [he/she] witnessed Him and rumored girlfriend Tavia Yeung at the airport getting ready to depart for their 'early honeymoon' in Korea. Him did not deny and admitted he went on a 5 day trip to Korea with a group of friends: "I went with both male and female friends, but I don't want to say too much about my personal life. (Not afraid that people may recognize you?) I never been to Korea before. (Early honeymoon?) Answer you in private! (There are a lot of plastic surgeons in Korea?) There is actually a lot to eat there, I did a lot of clothes shopping. (Men clothing or women clothing?) Men clothing. (The relationship reached the next level?) Mental state reached the next level!" When asked if he and Tavia already met the parents? Him said he will not respond. When asked if he's trying to be like Andy Lau? He said: "After all, personal life will stay personal!" Him didn't want to talk about his personal life with Tavia, but he doesn't mind earning money with her as a couple team.
As for his co-star Joe Ma in
Tiger Cubs, expressed he's willing to do a bathing suit celebration if the ratings reach 37 points, Him said: "Sure...but I'll be wearing swim trunks."
Meanwhile, Tavia's elder sister Griselda Yeung attended the sitcom promotional event and expressed she's not sure if her sister went on vacation with Him to Korea, she said: "I know she went with my mom and friends. I was suppose to go too, but I had to work. My sister never actually introduced Him Law to me, but I had tea with him before, I think he's a sunshine and a good actor. I don't ask my sister about her personal life, but if she does find her Mr. Right, then she should introduce him to us. She frequently ask me if there are any good guys that I could introduce her to."
When asked if she's frightened by Him's previous rumors, that he beat his ex-girlfriend Theresa Fu? She said: "I heard about the news too, but the actual story behind it, I really don't know." Does she support her sister Tavia dating him? She smiled: "As long as she likes, then it's okay. Whoever she likes, I'll support her. But, dating does not mean anything, see if he has any good luck!"
Source: Oriental Daily, Mingpao Translated by: aZnangel @ AsianEU Forum