Bosco Wong Chung Chak and Stephy Tang Lai Yun worked together on the television series AQUA HEROES (LUEN OI JI YAU SIK) and the Lunar New Year film 72 TENANTS OF PROSPERITY (72 GA JO HAT). For the three time they worked together on the For For directed film WAIT, I LOVE YOU (DUN NGOR OI NEI). Their chemistry was even better than before as they felt that the other was more mature. Stephy two nights ago attended her good friend Patrick Kong (Yip Lim Sum)'s film NATURAL BORN LOVERS (TIN SUN OI CHING KONG) premiere and denied that she and Alex Fong Lik Sun were already married.
Bosco this time played an easy going guy who looked extremely sloppy but valued relationships very much.
Source: Singtao
Translated by: hktopten